Upon finding out my writer idols are, in fact, human!

Do you remember the first book you stumbled upon in the genre you now love and adore? Did you ever write a hand-written note to that author when you were young and dreaming of being a bona-fied, published author? (Back in the day, publishers listed mailing addresses...

Review: The Preacher’s Bride

Description: In 1650s England, a young Puritan maiden is on a mission to save the baby of her newly widowed preacher–whether her assistance is wanted or not. Always ready to help those in need, Elizabeth ignores John’s protests of her aid. She’s even...

Research Notes: the Vancouver Barracks, 1940s

Photos all from the Clark County Museum’s Research Library. Spent three hours with a notepad and my iPad camera. In. Heaven. More tidbits and photos in future posts – I promise!   The barracks were home to the Vancouver District of Civilian...