Nicole M. Miller, Writer


    My Stories

    Animals touch our souls and
    have left their paw prints and hoofbeats throughout history. 

    The Horse of My Heart

    In this anthology, I shared the story of a rescued racehorse who I refused to love, but somehow came to adore.


    The Horse of My Dreams

    In this anthology, I share how a local fair court pageant tested me in surprising ways… and led to me finding the love of my life. 


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      Horses of history

      Breed Spotlight: Arabians

      The history, the allure: Arabians have been the obsession of my life, leading me down the road of horse ancestry and research. 

      Behind the Story

      What story from history birthed my writing passion and career?

      Incredible history

      Learn how Patton’s Third Army saved these priceless horses from destruction during World War II. 

      Meet the family

      Horses, dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, frogs, guinea pigs… and a goose. We’ve got it all.

      Hoofbeats of history

      Janow Podlaski 

      “The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.”

      Arabian Proverb