
Book Review: Lady in Waiting

"Love is a choice you make every day." Those words on the back cover intrigued me the most. Susan Meissner's Lady in Waiting is a beautiful novel with two tales woven together by a single ring and an inscription. Back cover: Content in her comfortable marriage of...

I need to rant

I have to say something—I simply can't hold it in any longer. I cannot STAND it when people use horrible grammar and spelling in Facebook or Twitter posts. Yes, yes, I understand trying to keep things short and using a "L8R" here and there. That's not what I'm talking...

What do you want to see?

Happy Friday! I've finished my in-depth edits of my latest manuscript and am now turning onto the other "fun" stuff like the synopsis, etc. I'm also looking at some website redesign/overhauling and re-branding. My question for you readers is --- What do you want to...

Best Blogs of the Day

I had to post some links to some amazing blogs you should be following: First, my agent, Wendy Lawton, is writing a great series this week about the inside track to getting an agent. Today's post was an excellent explanation of commercial fiction and what she's...

WIP Update

I'm hard at work with my revisions to my NaNoWriMo novel, Lillie Among Thorns. After I finished my rough draft, I printed it all out (whew, lots of paper!) and went through with my best friend, the red pen. After I finished, I definitely had something missing. It took...

Some of my favorite WWII Resources

Lately I've been studying up as I'm editing my most recent manuscript. Normally, I do very targeted research and find exactly which details I need. This time I've just been soaking up as much WWII history as humanly possible. Here's a few of the resources I've been...

Finally, a Kindle!

I've kept my eye on the raging debate over the pros and cons of e-readers. I follow many different blogs in the writing community and publishing industry. (Michael Hyatt, president and CEO of Thomas Nelson, has some excellent reviews and thoughts on e-readers.)...

Getting back to the joy of reading

In the craze of that which is life, there are so many demands on our time and it is rare we get to slow down and enjoy something to the fullest. The week of Christmas I was able to do just that—I took a true "vacation" and didn't check my work emails. I haven't really...

Review: The Charlatan’s Boy

Description: As far back as he can remember, the orphan Grady has tramped from village to village in the company of a huckster named Floyd. With his adolescent accomplice, Floyd perpetrates a variety of hoaxes and flimflams on the good citizens of the Corenwald...