I think Jesus had in mind that we would not just be “believers” but “participants.” Not because it’s hip, but because it’s more accurate, more fitting that way. He wanted people who get the “do” part of faith, not because He wanted activity, but because He wanted our faith to matter to us. – Bob Goff, Love Does
Lately, this point has come up again and again in my life. Words don’t matter. Action matters.
For a writer, that’s a hard reality to swallow. But I’ve come to see that the people and the books that have inspired me, like Love Does, comes from people who have done the actions in their life. The words (or book) came later.
So what is it that you need to go out and do? Go! Don’t wait for the “right time.” This is your time.
I was trying to read this review (and the previous one) without being tempted to buy yet another book…but I haven’t succeeded. one sounds really great. Thanks for the review! 🙂
I agree with Heidi. This is another ook to add to the “to be purchased and read” pile!