thankful thursdays

Last week, I started the first of 52 weeks of “thankful thursdays,” inspired by Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts. I strongly, strongly challenge you to do the same.

In two weeks of writing down my gifts each day, I’ve noticed a distinct change in my own heart. I am more positive in my interactions with others. I’m more motivated. I’m refreshed whenever I look at my list {even after looking at my lengthy to-do list}.

11. the feeling after all the laundry is sorted and put away

12. seeing the refreshed smiles on student’s faces at the start of a new quarter

13. eating candy canes in January

14. unexpected — and exciting — new opportunities

15. “easy” vehicle fixes

16. the smell of the Traeger cooking dinner

17. new bling {any bling in general just makes me happy}

18. a friend with wise, encouraging words

19. searching for lost objects, which leads to a cleaner, more organized office

20. showing up for jury duty, and remembering this world is bigger than my own self.

Do me a favor: share three things you’re thankful for right now in the comments. I promise you, I’ll send each one who does this a prize. 🙂 

Much love,

the “has-been” P.S. – gift #21 this week: an email from my father reminding me that I’m not a “has-been.” I’m an “always will be…” So I think it’s time to change my perspective a bit. Gentle reminders from parents: those are always gifts.

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