friday flashbacks

I’ve always had that “something else” that I am doing. I don’t just mean a hobby, I mean a project that I have worked on enough to where that would be my dream career.

Namely, writing.

Since sixth grade, I’ve written novels and my dream has always been to write full-time. Thus, the journalism major, the freelancing jobs… But reality of course sets in and I have to pay the bills.

So I took the administrative position as my “day job” and have had a “day job” since.

I heard once that anyone who refers to their job as a “day job” isn’t really planning on being there forever. I guess putting day job in quotes only makes it worse.

My day job and night job (or my dream) have always been distinct. This has caused me to look at people who are living their dream job with total envy. The people who’s lives are wholly devoted to that job, and it is what they actually want to do.

I divide myself into separate people — the day job Nicole, the volunteer Nicole, the dream job Nicole… Never do I feel truly complete. I’d like to think that one day when I’m doing my dream full-time, that will change.

Do you ever feel divided? What do you do to feel more whole?

Much love,

all three NicolesĀ 

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