After a lovely three day weekend, the first day back at work can always be rough. Your mind is a little scattered. You need a little extra caffeine…

You know the feeling.

I had a major case of the Mondays yesterday. (Even though yesterday was a Tuesday.)

I also took part in three webinars (co-hosting one), sat in on three meetings and managed to write four or five blog posts. My brain was fried. I never want to see another computer screen again.

And yet… computer screens are my job.

It is times like these where I miss the jobs of my youth: cleaning stalls, exercising horses, cleaning rental cars. Physical, mindless and freeing at times. Those were the times I dreamed up my novel plots and then I’d hurry home to write the ideas down.

I know those jobs weren’t long-term. I am grateful for my comfy, warm office especially during cold days. But sometimes, I want to turn my brain off.

What do you do when you get technology/computer fatigue? I know I can’t be the only one feeling this.