Pay particular attention to the scene between 1:24 and 1:35:

“I seem to have stepped on a land mine.”

“Well why would you go and do something like that?”

monuments-men-recovered-artworksIsn’t that always the case? Certainly there are times people make choices when they know a minefield may be close. But generally, we don’t choose to step on land mines.

Then the people who are not standing on top of an unexploded mine simply ask, “Well, why would you do that?”


This just seems to be the way it goes. Any yet, I imagine that those people who question stepping on the land mine eventually help poor Matt Damon get away with minimal damage (I have no idea, I have yet to see the movie!)

If you’re in the middle of a mine field, or if you’ve felt one trigger just beneath your feet, I’m not here to ask “Why’d you go and do something like that?”

I’m here to say. “It’s okay. Now let’s figure a way out of this.”

Let’s all learn how to move forward, even with bruises and scrapes.