Book Review: The Miracle of Mercy Land

What if you had the power to amend choices you made in the past? Would you do it even if it changed everything? Mercy Land has made some unexpected choices for a young woman in the 1930s. The sheltered daughter of a traveling preacher, she chooses to leave her rural...

Book Review: Unbroken

This book completely took my breath away. I was in love with Laura Hillenbrand’s Seabiscuit, but this one eclipses it—and then some. I downloaded this to my Kindle and thanked God I had it during a 16-hour roadtrip with my family. I was raptured by the book from...

Book Review: The Promises She Keeps

Book Description It’s her destiny to die young. The man who loves her can’t live with that. Promise, a talented young vocalist with a terminal illness, is counting on fame to keep her memory alive after she dies. Porta is an aging witch and art collector...

What I’ve Been Reading

I love my Kindle. Love. Love. Here’s a little snipbit of what I’ve been reading the past few weeks, and my thoughts on them… Reference/NonFiction – The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman I’ve had this on my to-read list for years. Every...

Book Review: Lady in Waiting

“Love is a choice you make every day.” Those words on the back cover intrigued me the most. Susan Meissner’s Lady in Waiting is a beautiful novel with two tales woven together by a single ring and an inscription. Back cover: Content in her...

Getting back to the joy of reading

In the craze of that which is life, there are so many demands on our time and it is rare we get to slow down and enjoy something to the fullest. The week of Christmas I was able to do just that—I took a true “vacation” and didn’t check my work...