Review: She Walks In Beauty

Summary: For a young society woman seeking a favorable marriage, so much depends on her social season debut. Clara Carter has been given one goal: secure the affections of the city’s most eligible bachelor. Debuting means plenty of work–there are corsets...

Thoughts on characters

What makes a great character? The Elizabeth Bennetts, the Scarlett O’Haras, the Harry Potters…What is it that captivates the audience and molds those characters into literary history? My official conclusion: it’s the quirks. There must be something...

Review: From a Distance

Summary: What happens when the realization of a dream isn’t what you imagined… and the secret you’ve spent a lifetime guarding is finally laid bare? Determined to become one of the country’s premier newspaper photographers, Elizabeth Westbrook...

Review: Bonhoeffer

Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy. That truly says it all. Out of a host of thousands upon millions of inspirational stories from those who defied Hitler during his reign of terror, comes the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man who was a constant student of life,...

Christian Historical Fiction Challenge

So apparently I’m a little behind on certain things… Like this Historical Fiction Challenge I found a while ago – the goal is to read 24 Christian Historical Fiction books in a year. So we’re to month 5 already, but I think I’m pretty...

Review: Wildflowers at Terezin

Summary: When nurse Hanne Abrahamsen impulsively shields Steffen Petersen from a nosy Gestapo agent, she’s convinced the Lutheran pastor is involved in the Danish Underground. Nothing could be further from the truth. But truth is hard to come by in the fall of 1943,...