confessions: book-consumption habits

In meeting with an author friend of mine, we discussed some ways to reach new readers, which led to a discussion about how books are purchased/consumed nowadays. Here are my habits: – I buy and read just as many paperbacks as I did before I owned a Kindle....

thankful thursday: week six

  What a crazy, crazy year 2013 has been. I dare say I look forward to what the other eleven months hold. This week, I’m so thankful for: 36. the overwhelming support from family, friends and even near-strangers as I launched Miller Media Solutions 37. a...

confessions: playing in the big leagues

In November, I was asked to speak at the April 5th Faith & Culture Writers Conference, which I had attended theĀ inauguralĀ event back in 2011 and adored it. I couldn’t say “yes” fast enough! Today, the official website and lineup of speakers was...

confessions: a new venture taking shape

Over the past weekend, I worked on my latest venture: Miller Media Solutions. This business has taken shape over the past year of people asking me for social media consulting, graphic design work and marketing help. For 2013, I’m just giving it a name. This...

confessions: paper and disney magic

During a day when I needed a pick-me-up, this blog post from Mashable came up in my Google Reader, and I had to watch the animation short that it described. Need a feel-good moment? Need a bit of a Disney fix? Want to smile? Watch it: This touches on so many things,...