confessions {& resolution}: addicted to volunteering

  Hello, my name is Nicole. I’m a volunteer-aholic. (you say: Hi, Nicole…) Over the course of my career both as a social media coordinator and event/newsletter coordinator, I’ve amassed a certain set of skills… (Cue the Taken music here.)...

thankful thursdays: week one

  In Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts, she chronicles how a friend challenged her to write down one thousand “gifts” she saw in her everyday life. This transformed into a blog with thousands of followings and a whole host of people who do...

confessions: here we go

Yes, it’s tacky to start something on January 1st, just because it is the beginning of a new year. Every new day is an opportunity and every new day is just as good of an excuse. Alas, this worked out best for my personal calendar and vacation schedules. So call...

a time of transition, change and growth

Dearest blog readers, Back in October, I confessed I needed a break from blogging and time to refocus on what I needed to do with this website and my writing career. Since then, I participated in NaNoWriMo (writing 50,000 words in 30 days) and completed...