The Day Every Priority Changed

We have a 2×3-foot white board in our kitchen with assorted lists: Outside chores to-do Inside house to-do Nicole to-do John to-do On Wednesday, September 17th, I wiped away all of those lists and replaced it with this: We found out our six-year-old dog, Honey,...

Getting My Ducks in a Row (Literally and Figuratively)

For a split second my ducks were literally in a row. So naturally I took a photo as fast as I could. But apart from my lovely little duckies who, along with 13 chickens, two dogs and one horse, have consumed my spare time, I’ve been working on deliberately and...

Moments are What We Make of Them

At the Oregon Christian Writer’s conference this past weekend in Eugene, keynoter Jane Kirkpatrick, prolific author and speaker, shared a small side note from her main message that seemed to be the recurring theme for the rest of the day. She asked us to ask...