confession: I’m running out of blogging steam

I knew it would happen when I committed myself to doing five blogs a week. This was meant to be a push for my writing discipline and an exercise in being more open online. But as I stare at the blank screen today, I’m just not sure what to even write. I have a...

confession: dogged determination

Honey is a three-month-old puppy trapped in a four-year-old dog’s body. But in four years, her spunky nature and playfulness has never waned. Especially when it comes to her favorite toy, the lunge whip (long whip used in lunging horses in wide circles). I stole...

confession: nerdy confession #1

From rodeo queen to queen of the nerds. It’s possible. I’ve reached the pinnacle, if possible. I haven’t even told my husband, because I know he’ll try to hold back a smile and nod and pat my shoulder supportively. So. I bought my own slide...

thankful thursday: week eight

41. surprise flowers on Valentine’s Day (even though I told husband not to…)  42. a plan falling into place with near perfection 43. productive meetings 44. forgiving souls 45. dry days in February… in the Pacific Northwest. 46. co-workers sharing...

confessions: computer fatigue

After a lovely three day weekend, the first day back at work can always be rough. Your mind is a little scattered. You need a little extra caffeine… You know the feeling. I had a major case of the Mondays yesterday. (Even though yesterday was a Tuesday.) I also...

confessions: putting pieces back together

After blogging last week about how everything in my life felt like it was broken or falling apart (the mechanical/electrical stuff), I’ve continued to wade through each day and I’ve watched how each little piece can be put back together. Even if it is a...