Resurrecting an old friend

By old friend, I mean an old manuscript. (What exactly did you think I meant?)  I’ve mentioned before the “Story” behind my first real manuscript. I’ve taken this story out, dusted it off and I’m going to give it another go. Now,...

Happy 95th Birthday, National Park Service

I couldn’t resist wishing a Happy Birthday to the National Park Service, which was started on this day in 1916. Preserving more than 400 parks, historical sites and more, the NPS sees more than 275 million visitors a year. (

Research Notes: the Vancouver Barracks, 1940s

Photos all from the Clark County Museum’s Research Library. Spent three hours with a notepad and my iPad camera. In. Heaven. More tidbits and photos in future posts – I promise!   The barracks were home to the Vancouver District of Civilian...

Movie Review: Captain America

What? A movie review? I don’t even have a category for that! It’s true—I don’t do movie reviews. That’s not what my blog is about. But when the movie involves a classic comic hero and the story is set during World War II, I simply cannot...

Happy 4th!

I’m taking the day off for family, bbq, fireworks and snuggling with my pathetic dog who hates fireworks and cowers like a baby. (But I still love her.) Have a safe, happy 4th of July!