Upon finding out my writer idols are, in fact, human!

Do you remember the first book you stumbled upon in the genre you now love and adore? Did you ever write a hand-written note to that author when you were young and dreaming of being a bona-fied, published author? (Back in the day, publishers listed mailing addresses...

What I’ve learned in two years of blogging

My first blog ever: It’s a simple blog in itself and a simple title, even. “Welcome.” Looking back to August of 2009, I realize how different things were. I thought Twitter was a fad that would pass. I had attended my first writer’s conference...

Pushing through to the finish

Earlier this month, I set a goal of 40,000 words that I wanted to complete in one month. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have had a problem with it. I always enjoy November’s NaNoWriMo. However, life intervened. So far I’ve only done around...