Happy 4th!

I’m taking the day off for family, bbq, fireworks and snuggling with my pathetic dog who hates fireworks and cowers like a baby. (But I still love her.) Have a safe, happy 4th of July!

Setting off on a writing marathon: 40,000 words in July

I’ve blogged before through two journeys of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) – which involves writing 50,000 words in one month. For most writers, this isn’t really that unreasonable, but it’s a fair stretch for me with a full-time day...

Calling all Writers (in the Pacific NW)

The summer is pressing onward (despite the weather saying otherwise.) One of the highlights of the summer around these parts? The Oregon Christian Writers Summer Coaching Conference (August 15-18). I discovered this group two years ago and now have an agent because of...

Tools of the Trade

Hello, my name is Nicole, and I’m addicted to office supplies. [You say, “Hi, Nicole.”] Okay, in all seriousness, I’ve always been a connoisseur of all things office-supplies: pens, notebooks, binders, folders, Sharpies (don’t get me...

Movement all around

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the people coming and going in our lives—those who come and go but never leave. I have a dear friend in them midst of her dissertation in England, due to return to the Pacific Northwest in September. Another friend is traveling...

Congrats to Heidi!

Journey on over to Novel Journey today to read the fabulous Heidi Chiavoroli’s winning entry for the Out of the Slushpile contest! This is the second year she’s won this category and it is only the beginning of many good things for Heidi!