Goal-Setting: Bring on 2010!

As I look back at 2009 and all it held for me as a writer, I’m reasonably pleased. I joined American Christian Fiction Writers and Oregon Christian Writers, joined a critique group, attended my first writers conference, endured a handful of manuscript rejections,...

Writing Tips: Idea Book

As a writer, I can say the single greatest tool we have is pen and paper. The next best thing? A whole notebook full of random ideas, plot sketches, character notes and general observations of the world. Your “idea book” is a resource beyond a how-to book...

NaNoWriMo Novel “finished!”

I reached the 50,000 words for National Novel Writing Month within the 1st and 30th of November, but my novel was far from being over. Now, I’ve reached 77,000 words and can say the story is all wrapped up nice and tight and actually “finished.”...

The technology of today…

I normally don’t do this: I prefer to look at the positives in life and keep this blog writing and history-oriented. But today I need to complain. Just a little. I spent the entire weekend trying to get my wireless internet back online. There was nothing wrong...

NaNoWriMo: Accomplished!

I reached just over 53,000 words in 28 days. Not too shabby! So what does this mean now? Well, aside from officially getting to post the neat little picture to the left, I have a new (mostly completed) manuscript. To pitch this novel to the publishers I’m aiming...

Confessions of a Book-aholic

Goodness, I love the feel of new books. I love the smooth binding, the crisp, fresh off the printer smell, the silky pages and how easily they flip under your fingertips… Walking around a bookstore gives me a high, a sense of wonderment unlike any other. I can’t help...