NaNoWriMo Update

At more than 37,000 words in my National Novel Writing Month project, I get the inpsiration to expand my plot, add this, add that…So I imagine this will be much, much longer than the 50,000 words for November. Thus, I know this will not be “finished”...

Past the 30,000 mark!

In efforts to avoid working on the much-needed editing of my other WIP, I have been getting lots of “NaNo-ing” done. I passed the 30,000-word mark today and am getting to the “good” parts of the novel. Things are moving faster, emotions higher,...

In the Midst of NaNoWriMo…

I received my entries from a contest with judge’s notes and was both thrilled and disappointed. While I didn’t final in the contest, I did get a very high score and soaring praises from one judge. The other one, not so much. I am always grateful for...

NaNoWriMo so far…

So far, National Novel Writing Month has been a dream come true. I am writing, not critically editing and spending time rearranging, fussing here and there. The goal is not perfect prose, but prose in quantity! I feel fortunate that I had a story burning for the past...

First 10,000 words done!

I have crossed the 10,000-word threshold! Perhaps I’m just really inspired, but the first 1/5th of the book has flowed onto the computer screen. I love the characters, the conflict and the break from my other WIP. Okay – no more distracting blogging. Back...