… Moved out to their temporary coop at least. 🙂

Everyone seems so happy with their new space and over the past few weeks they’ve grown into lovely little teenagers.


Foghorn and one of the Rhode Island Reds:


Blondie is still the sweetest, always jumping up on our hands and always content to hang out with humans.


Penguin is turning into the largest of the bunch. Excited to see what she looks like in even a few more weeks!


Everyone fights for the best spots on the perches. They all sleep on this one branch at night and there’s a nice little shuffle they do to fight for the highest side of the perch.


Icarus continues to be the most adventurous, the most curious of them all.


Hawkeye seems to have some rooster-like tendencies, but we haven’t seen the “spurs” yet that we’d expect to see on her legs if she was, in fact, a rooster. So time will tell.


Gandalf the Grey is still aloof, but turning into a beautiful bird.


Thanks for checking out the latest on the chick chronicles. 🙂

Catch you later.