Day four of chick raising came with a surprise — after we finessed a cage/lid that was both secure and removable, we figured our brooder was set. Then we came home to find our power out.

Thus, the heat lamp was out.

The chicks require an environment of 90 degrees or they risk getting sick. We took the temperature and knew we needed to improvise. So we set the tank up on buckets next to the gas range, fired it up…. and well we didn’t cook the chicks but it did raise the temperature enough.

The girls are getting their tail feathers and more developed wing feathers. They just grow up so fast… 🙂



Day five meant cage cleaning time.

And why not redecorate?




The chicks are roosting on the food dishes so we put in some branches for them to develop that habit. We also lifted the water and food dishes above the bedding to help keep the chicks from pooping and kicking pellets into it.

The flock seems to like their new digs.