It’s been exactly two and a half weeks since my last “confession.” That wasn’t meant to be witty. It’s just true.

Two and a half weeks ago, my level of responsibility at work and my level of stress got dialed up to 11 and something had to give. Unfortunately, it was this blog. Five days a week was meant to help discipline my writing habit and help hone my voice. I felt it only made me bitter and boring.

Thus, I’m in the midst of all the goings-on of my life, I’m trying to decide where this blog fits in amongst my priorities. I don’t want to blog just to put my ever-so-important thoughts out into the world wide web. I want to blog about things that matter. I want to impact my readers lives in a positive way.

So. While I ruminate and determine the best course of action, I’m cutting way back on my “confessions.” I’m thinking twice a week might be good. Yea. Let’s try that.

I’ve missed your interactions and I hope you’re all doing well.

Much love,

the has-been rodeo queen

confessions of a former rodeo queen