As I look back at 2009 and all it held for me as a writer, I’m reasonably pleased.

I joined American Christian Fiction Writers and Oregon Christian Writers, joined a critique group, attended my first writers conference, endured a handful of manuscript rejections, delighted in one agent’s ms request, started up my website and bi-weekly blog, wrote an entire 78,000 word novel in six weeks, re-edited my original work in progress. Phew.

Before 2009, I hadn’t taken on writing as a serious priority. I’d written dozens of short stories, outlines and drafts of other projects and re-written In Dawn’s Shadows several times. But with college, job searching and getting married, it wasn’t my main focus. In March 2009, I was able to pick it all back up and I’ve jumped in to justifiably call myself a writer. By that, I mean I spend almost as much time writing, blogging or reading as I do eating, sleeping and breathing.

Thus, as I look into 2010, I’m determined to keep the pace. I pledge to continue to shape my skills and learn all that I can. I look forward to more conferences, classes and critique sessions. My critique group and I are going strong, and this New Year, they will begin to critique my newest novel, A Long Way From Home. I will polish this manuscript to take to the Oregon Christian Writer’s Conference in July to pitch to editors and agents.

I still have In Dawn’s Shadows being reviewed by an agent, and it is continually being improved after my wonderful critique group’s edits.

In November 2010, I’m looking forward to participating again in National Novel Writing Month, where I completely anticipate writing another 50,000 words in 30 days. That experience was one of the most liberating, exciting of my life!

Of course, I have many other goals for other areas of my life, and this year will be a busy one, indeed! But the future of my writing is bright and I’m going to charge ahead full force!

Share: What are your goals for 2010?