My ever-vigilant and endearing husband stumbled across a post on Craigslist: three 1942 scrapbooks for sale. Needless to say, I raced over right away.

What I found was beyond what I expected…

Already intrigued?

Love these stories: "Doc Sunshine Makes his rounds - Doc Sunshine, the self-appointed morale-builder on a coast guard-manned troop transport ferrying casualties back from Europe, visits Pfc. Harold L. Keel (left) of Tennessee City, Tenn., who has shrapnel wounds, and T/Sgt. Harry H. Steffenhagen of 123 W 34th Street, Richmond, Va., who was wounded by machine gun fire. All day long, Doc goes from bunk to bunk visiting casualties below decks."

Love this... You gotta read it.

The original source of this isn't listed anywhere. What a great image though.

1942 Oregonian

There are so many more stories and memorable clips to share. Don’t worry, I’ll post more soon! I’m still drooling over this incredible find!

I’ve spent hours looking at digital copies of the Oregonian papers from the 1940s but it doesn’t hold a candle to feeling the worn out newsprint beneath your fingertips, smelling the musty aroma of years long forgotten.

Heaven. I’m in heaven.