nano_09_red_participant_100x100_1I received my entries from a contest with judge’s notes and was both thrilled and disappointed. While I didn’t final in the contest, I did get a very high score and soaring praises from one judge. The other one, not so much.

I am always grateful for critique and take the chance to learn and grow from my mistakes. This came at a strange time, because I am not focusing on that story right now with National Novel Writing Month in full swing. But these comments got me thinking more and more about tweaking that novel just a little.

So much to do, so little time. I guess I’d better get back to the NaNoWriMo project. But I will stress again that I find contests a very rewarding experience and a chance for professional critique. So, even if you don’t get the blue ribbon, jump in and toss your manuscript in!

NaNoWriMo Word Count: Just more than 20,000!