NaNoWriMo Nicole Miller author

The month of November is drawing to a close. Turkey dinners have come and gone. Turkey sandwiches are soon to be made.

For those writers who dared enter into NaNoWriMo land, the clock is running out.

Shout outs to Sondra for completing 50,000 words way early! Congrats already to Heather and Jessica for their progress! It is a big deal to write a big chunk of your novel and take it from concept to reality.

For me, I’m plugging along as well as can be expected. Some days I’m way ahead, some days I fall behind. I have 5,000 more words to complete my goal of 50,000 words in the month of November, but I have another 30,000 to 40,000 words still ahead of me to finish the novel in entirety.

This has also been my “roughest” NaNo project ever. The past two years’ novels needed work, to be sure. But this one needs a gallon of research, a dash of finesse and perhaps a complete overhaul. But I’ll leave the thoughts of revision for another month.

Congrats to everyone out there who attempted or completed NaNoWriMo. I recommend setting high goals for yourself – it is cliche, but if you “reach for the stars,” you’ll still land among the clouds…

Or however that saying goes.