We did a rather silly thing this past week.

And her name is Dany.


Dany (short for “Daenerys Shelterborn”) is an 8-week-old Shepherd/Cattle Dog/pitbull mix and she comes to us at such an interesting time in our lives.


She’s a sweet girl and very good (and smart) for a puppy.

And yet it’s been a big adjustment for our family to have both a 7-month-old infant and 2-month-old puppy. In all honesty, I knew it’d be a lot; I just hadn’t fully realized how much juggling would be involved.

Some moments are really tough. But overall, this past week has been one of huge growth for me personally.


Though I’ve had perfectionist tendencies, both having a baby and now a puppy have stretched me in ways I never expected – I’m learning to lean in and embrace chaos. 


The only way I’ve found to make it through the chaotic moments – the moments when the puppy is pooping on the floor while I’m nursing the baby – is to cling to perspective and the long-term vision.

~ Dany is learning fast and we’re getting into a groove. In a month, it will be a different story (full of new challenges, I’m sure!)

~ We’ve been a two-dog household for almost ten years. We’re more complete again.

~ My son will get to grow up alongside Dany and they’ll learn to respect each other, learn from each other and (hopefully) entertain each other.

~ Leaning into the chaos is training me to go with the flow, not get so upset about the small things, and take a higher-level view on the problems of the moment.


Here’s to chaos and all the life lessons we can learn from turbulent times. I don’t want my child to be scared things of that are a bit crazy but worth it in the long run. I don’t want him to quit when things get hairy (literally and figuratively.) So I’ll take every lesson that Dany throws my way. And every snuggle.

dany and baby1