Synopsis: Liberty, Indiana, is home to a stop on the Underground Railroad operated by Anna Brent and her father, covert abolitionists who harbor runaway slaves traveling toward freedom. When Anna’s work on the Underground Railroad is threatened, can she turn to newspaper editor, Daniel Stanton, a man she barely knows, to ensure the safety of the slaves so dear to her? Will she and Daniel be willing to risk everything for their beliefs including their personal liberty?

My Review:

Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana, by Melanie Dobson, has kept me captive for the past few days. This was a novel that defied all expectations. It broke the mold of a traditional, predictable romance and I couldn’t get enough of it.

The main characters, Anna and Daniel, were both very real, intense characters. This book was full of suspense and passion for people in this era when the country was so divided. There were twists and turns that I didn’t even see coming, which left me glued to each page.

The romance between Anna and Daniel isn’t overdone, but subtle and yet so very powerful. The history of the area and the Quaker traditions fascinated me and felt real and well researched.

I haven’t been this hooked to a book in a long time¾it was nearly impossible to put this book down, which is something I don’t say lightly! I recommend this for readers of all ages and interests.

Dobson has a new “Love Finds You” release coming soon, and I’m sure to get a copy! Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa, will be released by Summerside Press in March 2010.